Dorm Room Delicious


College Bound!

Many High School Senior Students are about to graduate.  What’s next?  College! 

Dorm Room Life - Dorm Room Recipes - Dorm Room List

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Consider the answers to the questions below. Dorm Room Delicious may be the perfect domain name to develop exclusive content related to your product or service targeting college students. Inquiries regarding advertising on our website, or the outright purchase of, should be sent to We can also be reached by calling 856-854-7078, Eastern Standard Time.

College Questions

Are you a 4-year college seeking to attract future college students?  Engineering, medical, law, business, fine arts, culinary.

 Is your company product or service on a Dorm Room Checklist?  Dorm Room Bedding, extra long sheets, Dorm comforter, down pillow, desk chair, small rug, “dorm room stuff.”

 How to construct a Loft Bed? 

 What are some College Dorm Room Decorating Ideas?

 Are you  an interior designer who also considers yourself a dorm room designer?

 College Students Notebook – a major retailer whosells electronics?

 Dorm Room t-shirts – are you an apparel retailer, manufacturer, or new designer seeking to launch a new dorm room fashion?

 The Freshman 15 – Does your book or service counsel diet, nutrition, poor eating habits?

 Paper, Pens, Ink Cartridges, file folders, desk lights – Are you an Office Supply Store?

 What about TV – Every dorm room has one – Does your company sell digital TV’s, DVD’s or a DVD service by mail?

 Party Supplies – Remember – We’re talking COLLEGE! 

 Pizza – Are you a National Pizza Chain seeking a creative channel to advertise specials?